God extends grace to us, we are called to do the same do others.
a Not Lukewarm Life
Day to day, week after week, month upon month, year in and year out, how can we live a life that is on fire for our faith? We may not have all the answers but like you, we are working on it. Here is where you’ll find inspiration.
Lenten Prayer Group
I don't know about you, but I tend to follow through on my plans when I have some support. Or maybe it's accountability? Lent begins Feb 14, 2024 During this season, we are asked to pray, fast, and give alms - in a way that is different and more focused than our usual...
Jesus is Our Treasure
What are we wiling to do to receive the gift of faith we are offered from God?
St. Catherine of Siena Novena
On April 29, we celebrate the Feast of St. Catherine of Siena. She was a mystic and lay Dominican, born in Siena, Italy in 1347. I've done a number of podcasts about her; you can find them all here. She was an amazing woman! I really only popped on here to encourage...
Abandon to God
How can we abandon ourselves to God?
2022 Book List
Looking for a new book, take a look at the list from Live Not Lukewarm.
Rid Yourself of Negative Thoughts & Lies
This one-time live nano-class will focus on recognizing where negative thinking begins and the one strategy to use to begin to overcome it! Yes, I said one strategy because none of us need to make our lives more complicated. 3 things you’ll discover in this nano-class...
From Exile to Freedom!
Have you ever considered... that the story of Exodus is your story? It is. Just as God called the Israelites out of exile and into freedom, He calls you! In the Book of Exodus we see human success and failure, divine grace and assistance. Those are all present in our...
Surrender Novena
This novena was given to Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo by Jesus. Fr. Ruotolo was an Italian priest (1882-1970) who had a deep devotion to Our Lord and His Mother Mary. He endured tremendous suffering in his life but through it all turned to God. Prayers from Jesus Jesus gave...
Be the Boss of Your Brain Challenge Course
Did you know that up to 80% of our thoughts can be negative and are often repetitive? Do your thoughts about yourself focus more on what you can't do than on what you can do? Are the lies holding you back from being who God created in His image? This interactive...