a Not Lukewarm Life

Day to day, week after week, month upon month, year in and year out, how can we live a life that is on fire for our faith? We may not have all the answers but like you, we are working on it. Here is where you’ll find inspiration.

A Cannonball Moment

A Cannonball Moment

In July we celebrate St. Ignatius. This year is 500 years since he was hit in the leg by a cannonball and his life was forever changed. This is one story (a bit late, sorry) that tells of the moment when my life was changed. It was in the chapel of St. Peter Catholic...

Sunday Scripture, July 25

Sunday Scripture, July 25

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Readings Reflection To think about this week Are physical and spiritual needs are both important to Jesus. How are you doing taking care of your physical and spiritual needs?  

Sunday Scripture, July 18

Sunday Scripture, July 18

Sunday Readings July 18 readings Reflection To think about this week What wisdom does Jesus have for you? Ask him what he'd like to teach you, what he wants you to know, about him, faith, yourself, a problem that needs to be solved.  

Sunday Scripture, July 11

Sunday Scripture, July 11

Sunday Mass Readings You can read them here or listen to them here. Reflection To think about this week Slowly read or listen to Ephesians 1:3-14, this week's second reading. As you read or listen, underline or write every word that reminds you of who you are in...

One way St. Ignatius changed my life

One way St. Ignatius changed my life

In 1990 we started worshipping at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola and I learned about him then in a general way. I was a catechist and so probably looked him up to teach my class about our parish’s namesake. Years passed and I learned little bits and pieces more...

Sunday Scripture, July 4

Sunday Scripture, July 4

July 4th Mass Readings  The question to consider In Mark 6:6, it says, "He was amazed at their lack of faith." He, meaning Jesus. Has Jesus ever been amazed by my lack of faith? I think yes. And that is not how I want to live my life. This week, consider if you have...