St. Catherine of Siena Novena

St. Catherine of Siena Novena

On April 29, we celebrate the Feast of St. Catherine of Siena. She was a mystic and lay Dominican, born in Siena, Italy in 1347. I’ve done a number of podcasts about her; you can find them all here.  She was an amazing woman! I really only popped on here to...
Abandon to God

Abandon to God

During Lent, I prayed the Prayer of Abandon from St. Charles de Foucauld every day. I didn’t plan to do this,  but it was the prayer on the daily reflection I was reading and praying with and so I prayed the prayer. Some days I prayed it well and others days, I...
2022 Book List

2022 Book List

I read many books. Some for fun, some for learning, some for reflection, and then some for the grandchildren. I’ve categorized these so you can easily find what you need. And, if I interviewed the author on my podcast, there is a link to that as well. Ignatian...
Rid Yourself of Negative Thoughts & Lies

Rid Yourself of Negative Thoughts & Lies

This one-time live nano-class will focus on recognizing where negative thinking begins and the one strategy to use to begin to overcome it! Yes, I said one strategy because none of us need to make our lives more complicated. 3 things you’ll discover in this nano-class...
From Exile to Freedom!

From Exile to Freedom!

Have you ever considered… that the story of Exodus is your story? It is. Just as God called the Israelites out of exile and into freedom, He calls you! In the Book of Exodus we see human success and failure, divine grace and assistance. Those are all present in...