Happy Feast of Pentecost!
Yes, I get excited about Pentecost and the Holy Spirit. When you listen to the reflection you may notice it. Go with it! The readings for the Sunday Mass are here. Please pray the Sequence, the Come Holy Spirit prayer. It is meaningful and I wish we would pray it together at Mass.
What are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?
There are 7 gifts, Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Knowledge, Fortitude, Piety, Fear of the Lord. These were given to the apostles and Mary and whoever else was in the upper room afraid to spread the Gospel.
Wisdom helps order our lives correctly by desiring the things of God rather than the world.
Understanding allows us to grasp the truths of our faith profoundly.
Counsel gives us the opportunity to choose the best way to please God, to avoid sin and to help others do what is right.
Knowledge propels us to know God and ourselves and to use that knowledge to grow toward a perfect love
Fortitude is what we use to carry our cross and our burdens and overcome obstacles to salvation. It also helps us defend our faith.
Piety helps us to want to serve God joyfully and obediently out of love for him.
Fear of the Lord is reverence for God and the desire to not displease him. This reverence and desire come not out of fear, but out of the wonder and awe we have when we see all that God has created and done for us.
To think about…
How are you living as a witness of Jesus?
A few fun gifts for you!
These usually go in the membership area of the site, but since this is such a great feast, I wanted you all to have them. If you like them, consider becoming a member.

A new (to me) Holy Spirit Prayer. You can save it, print and download if you like by right-clicking on the image.