Sunday Scripture, July 4

Sunday Scripture, July 4

July 4th Mass Readings  The question to consider In Mark 6:6, it says, “He was amazed at their lack of faith.” He, meaning Jesus. Has Jesus ever been amazed by my lack of faith? I think yes. And that is not how I want to live my life. This week, consider...
Sunday Scripture, June 27

Sunday Scripture, June 27

This Sunday’s Mass Readings You may recall I said a few weeks ago I wanted to keep these reflections down to under 5 minutes. This week I failed. What can I say? The gospel was rich in many ways. Question for you What is the purpose you have been called to do in...
Sunday Scripture, June 20

Sunday Scripture, June 20

Sunday Mass Readings This week’s reflection Question for you What are you terrified of and can you give it to Jesus to calm the storm in your life? Surrender Prayer Novena Did you know we have a sticker of the prayer response? It’s on the shop page!  ...
Sunday Scriptures, June 13

Sunday Scriptures, June 13

We are back in Ordinary Time! It’s time to soak in all of Jesus’ teachings. Are you ready? This week, the Kingdom of God! Here are the Mass readings.  The reflection is just under 2 and 1/2 minutes. My goal is no more than 3 minutes. What are your thoughts...
Sunday Scripture, June 6

Sunday Scripture, June 6

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ The Sunday Mass readings are here.   Here is the quote from St. Thomas Aquinas: “Spiritual food, on the other hand, changes the person who eats it into itself. Thus the effect proper to the Sacrament is the...