Three reasons +1

  • One, content is delivered live and group discussion is encouraged but not required.
  • Two, materials are developed and delivered by Deanna and Deacon John, so we know what the answer ought to be!
  • Three, you will come away with a deeper knowledge of who Jesus is and how to live out his teachings.
  • Bonus reason: combined we have over 100 years’ experience.

What are we offering

A new liturgical year begins on Nov 28, 2021, with the start of Advent. At Sunday Masses, Cycle C will be used for the readings. FYI: there are 3 cycles, A, B, and C. The Gospel used in cycle C is Luke. Luke was written sometime between 80 and 90 AD, for Gentiles. The same person who wrote Luke wrote the Book of Acts, as a continuation of the Gospel. Luke is believed to have been an associate of Paul.

Much of the material of Luke comes from Mark and the Q source, with some material specific only to Luke. His Gospel includes an infancy narrative, uses many agrarian and fishing references and features many meals in his writings. We are excited to begin learning more about the Gospel of Luke with you!

Beginning in October, Deanna & Deacon John at will offer a course on the Gospel of Luke. You have the option of Wednesday morning or evening. A study guide, questions and an outline for each session are provided. Sessions are offered live via Zoom and recorded so you can access them if you miss a session or want to watch it again.

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