Grace. It’s not easy to explain. Can I define it, sure; it is an unmerited gift or help given to us by God that we can accept or reject. There are different types of grace; salvific, sacramental, and habitual quickly come to mind. But I’m not talking about those. I’m talking about the every day, in the trenches, help me do the right thing grace. The one I call on God for daily, sometimes hourly. This is the grace I speak of, the one that helps me be the person God wants me to be for others.

We are all in need of grace. And we have all received it from God. We receive it when we are full of life and joy is overflowing. We receive it when the days are long and difficult and we carry on. We receive it when we pray and ask. And we also receive grace when we extend it to others. How can we extend grace to others? We aren’t God after all. No, but we are His and he gives us grace. And the grace we are given is both for ourselves and others.

Here are 3 ways to extend grace to others:

  1. Listen to their story. That’s it, listen. Don’t offer advice, don’t tell them about when you were in that situation, don’t judge. When they are done talking, thank them. If they ask you for your thoughts or help, of course, respond but don’t assume advice is needed or wanted.
  2. Think the best of each person you come into contact with, no matter their behavior, and do your best to be kind. Try not to jump to conclusions. It is often said we do not know the burdens others are carrying and it is true. A response that shows the person is valued and worthy of respect can often turn a difficult situation around. As St. Paul says in Hebrews 12:14, “Strive for peace with everyone, and for that holiness without which no one will see the Lord.”
  3. Pray for them. Depending on the situation ask to pray with them at that moment. If that’s not possible, let them know you will pray for them. It can also be appropriate to say nothing about prayer and simply offer up an aspiration or suffering for the person.

We have an abundance of grace from our Father. He gives it freely and the supply is unending. Accept His graces, ask for more, and ask how you can share it with all those you meet. The world needs grace.

How do you share God’s grace with others?