by Deacon John B | Aug 7, 2021 | Sunday Scripture |
Mass Readings 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Gospel Reflection with Deacon John To Think About How can we turn our belief into action?
by Deacon John B | Jul 31, 2021 | Sunday Scripture |
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Readings Reflection To think about this week What is one thing you can do this week to be more like Jesus?
by Deanna Bartalini | Apr 30, 2021 | Sunday Scripture |
The readings for May 2, 2021 There is beautiful imagery as we read today’s Gospel. Vines, all connected to Christ, close to him, bearing abundant fruit. The leaves are lush, the grape clusters ready to burst because of the life and sweetness in them. There is much...
by Deanna Bartalini | Apr 24, 2021 | Sunday Scripture |
This Sunday’s Mass Readings