The beauty of our Catholic faith is how many different ways there are to live it out faithfully. Jen Frost incorporates her faith into her work as a fabric creator and quilter. Her fabric creations are often made for particular seasons or purposes. Recently, she took another love of hers, writing, paired it with quilting and published an Advent devotional for quilters, Patchwork of Salvation.

Features to note

The devotional is based on the Jesse Tree with a lovely image of the quilt block that goes along that scripture verse. The story of our salvation begins in Genesis and that is where we begin our Advent reading. It ends with the birth of Jesus.  Each day there is a scripture verse to read, a brief reflection and then a question to think about. It’s great that there is room on each page to write your thoughts, with extra pages in the back if needed.

What’s unique

Each day the image is of a beautiful quilt block made by Jen. A pattern is available on her website, Faith and Fabric. And while the book was written for quilters in mind, it certainly would be a lovely devotional to use for anyone who like fabrics and quilts. Full disclosure, I’m a fairly decent seamstress, but not the best quilter, so looking at the images is inspirational for me.

Take a look

Here are some images of what the journals look like. It is available for purchase on Amazon. (FYI: this is an affiliate link.) And, if you’d like to take a closer look at quilting a lock, you can download the pattern for Day 1 block.