The Virtue of Hope

The Virtue of Hope

Hope is one of the theological virtues, along with faith and love. As we encounter difficulties in life, no matter the size, we may struggle to have hope. And then we may beat ourselves up about our lack of hope. And then we start to despair and maybe feel guilty and...
St. Catherine of Siena Novena

St. Catherine of Siena Novena

On April 29, we celebrate the Feast of St. Catherine of Siena. She was a mystic and lay Dominican, born in Siena, Italy in 1347. I’ve done a number of podcasts about her; you can find them all here.  She was an amazing woman! I really only popped on here to...
Abandon to God

Abandon to God

During Lent, I prayed the Prayer of Abandon from St. Charles de Foucauld every day. I didn’t plan to do this,  but it was the prayer on the daily reflection I was reading and praying with and so I prayed the prayer. Some days I prayed it well and others days, I...
Surrender Novena

Surrender Novena

This novena was given to Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo by Jesus. Fr. Ruotolo was an Italian priest (1882-1970) who had a deep devotion to Our Lord and His Mother Mary. He endured tremendous suffering in his life but through it all turned to God. Prayers from Jesus Jesus gave...
A new (to me) Novena

A new (to me) Novena

Novenas First, what is a novena? A set of prayers said for a specific intention, usually for 9 days. Why 9 days? To remind us of the first novena when the apostles waited for the Holy Spirit to descend at Pentecost after Jesus’ Ascension. There are other novena...
pray with scripture

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