I am a person who swims in the deep end of the pool. I think about lots of different things allll day looonnnggg. Ask me how I am feeling in regard to my emotional state or what I am thinking about and there is never one answer. There are 3 or 7 or 32. Okay, 32 might be an exaggeration, so we are going to settle on 7. Each week, 7 things will be in this space. They might be from me or from someone else but they will things that have made me stop and think, or helped me, or fed me in some way.

  1. As of January 29, 2022, I am a spiritual director, having completed the Spiritual Direction Program at the Cenacle of Divine Providence School of Spiritual Direction in association with the Franciscan University of Steubenville. It is the culmination of 25 months of prayer, healing, classes, small groups, zoom sessions, live sessions, reading, journaling, listening and leaning into grace. What will be different now? I will sit in the other chair and listen, reflecting back and being present to those who I will serve.
  2. I enjoy learning how to make my life have a good flow, direction. One person I find helpful is James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits. I borrowed the book from the library and liked it so I bought a copy and gifted copies to my children as well. He also has a weekly newsletter with tips and ideas for various aspects of life. I always get something helpful from it. Try it yourself.
  3. Here is a link to a recent podcast on Asceticism Deacon John and I did together.
  4. I’ve been thinking about joy lately. Often times I feel a distinct lack of joy in my life. And then I berate myself as I have a good life. But joy is a deep feeling and deep feelings take time to cultivate. And space. And I often don’t take the time or space, believing other things are more important. I am mistaken in that thought. I am trying to be intentional in creating time and space for things which bring me joy each day. This post, writing it brings me joy. Yet I had to stop myself from doing other things to do this. Today, ask yourself what brings you joy and do it.
  5. I have a playlist for Lent on Spotify.
  6. Here is a prayer for the Ukraine.