1. Who is spiritual direction for?

Anyone! Though most likely, people who are looking for spiritual direction are those who desire to know, love and serve God. Often people feel stuck or lack joy or fervor – yes, I’m going to say it, living in a lukewarm way, seek spiritual direction. If the idea of more, something greater, the magis, as St. Ignatius of Loyola said, then this may be your time for spiritual direction.

  1. What do you do in spiritual direction?

There are 2 main parts of spiritual direction, the prayer part and the conversation part. The prayer part you do on your own; the conversation is when you meet with your director. Often, your director will give you scriptures or spiritual reading to read, reflect and pray during your personal prayer time. Then, once a month, you meet with your director to talk about what happened during those prayer times.

  1. I have friends or go to Bible study to talk about scripture and books, how is this different?

Those relationships are mutual. In those situations, friends or others in the group may give theirIs spiritual direction for you opinion about what you have said, in a group each person talks about themselves, and if we are honest, we can get off topic. In spiritual direction, the spiritual director’s primary purpose is to listen to you and help guide you to understanding where God is leading you in this moment.

  1. Who can be a spiritual director?

To become a spiritual director, I think training ought to be involved. A spiritual director, as Fr. Timothy Gallagher says, “is on holy ground” when another person talks about how the Spirit is moving in their soul. It is not something to be taken lightly. A spiritual director also is a person who is open to the movement of the Holy Spirit in her own life and is faithful to prayer, reading scripture, spiritual direction for herself, and lives a life consistent with the faith tradition she professes.

You do not have to be a priest, deacon, brother or sister to be a spiritual director.

  1. Where do you find a spiritual director?

This is not as straightforward as it would seem. You ask around. Ask at your local church. If there is a retreat house or center staffed by a religious order, they may offer direction. And then, in this age of technology, search online. Many people use technology to have virtual meetings if in-person is not possible.

Did you know, I’m a spiritual director! I studied at the Cenacle of Our Lady of Divine Providence School of Spiritual Direction in association with Franciscan University of Steubenville. I was led to this after completing the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.

If you are interested in spiritual direction, please contact me.

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