I read many books. Some for fun, some for learning, some for reflection, and then some for the grandchildren. I’ve categorized these so you can easily find what you need. And, if I interviewed the author on my podcast, there is a link to that as well.

Ignatian Spirituality

Imagine You Walked with Jesus, A Guide to Ignatian Contemplative Prayer by Jerry Windley-Daoust
If you want to learn how to pray more deeply, enter into the Gospels and hear what God has for you there, this is the book for you. (interview)

Habits of Freedom: 5 Ignatian Tools for Clearing Your Mind and Resting Daily in the Lord by Christopher S. Collins, SJ
Deacon John and I have a series of podcast episodes, one on each chapter. The book gives you tools to help you in your spiritual life and have more peace and clarity.

Bibles and Bible Study

I bought a new bible. It is from Ave Maria Press, the Living the Word Catholic Women’s Bible. This is the Revised Standard Version, 2nd Edition, Catholic Version. It has space for writing notes, essay from women I know and admire, questions for reflection, and more. I’m excited to start using it in my prayer time.

If you are interested in a study Bible, this is the one I have used for many years.

This is not a new book, but what author doesn’t promote her own work? Invite the Holy Spirit into Your Life, a study on the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

If you are interested in learning more about the book of Revelation, the study from Little Rock is quite good.

Mary and Saints

Marge Steinhage Fenelon has written America’s Mary: The Story of Our Lady of Good Help to tell the story of this apparition of Mary to Adele and calls it America’s best-kept secret. Why? Because this is the only recognized and approved apparition to take place in America. (interview)

Maria Gallagher has written, Joyful Encounters with Mary: A Woman’s Guide to Living the Mysteries of the Rosarya wonderful way to learn more about the joyful mysteries, virtues and the saints while living out your faith every day! (interview)

I used this book with a group of women, and we all enjoyed it tremendously! Set the World on Fire, A 4-week Personal Retreat with the Female Doctors of the Church.

Allison Gingras masterfully weaves the story of her daughter’s adoption story with sacramentals and saints, prayers and novenas in her book,  Encountering SIgns of Faith: My Unexpected Journey with Sacramentals, the Saints and the Abundant Grace of God.

For children

Saints like Me by Lisa Hendey, Illustrated by Katie Broussard (this is a board book)

How Our Family Prays Each Day by Gregory K. Popcak, Illustrated by Jacob Flores-Popcak

Pete the Cat and the Missing Cupcakes by Kimberly & James Dean

The Practical Side

If you work in a ministry of any sort, consider this book to help you learn more about using digital tools to further your mission. Or maybe, you think your parish could benefit from a copy of Digital Ministry and Leadership in Today’s Church.

If you are looking for a book on a particular topic, let me know and I’ll search my shelves for recommendations. And if you have a book to recommend, drop it in the comments.

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