Live Not Lukewarm

Spiritual Direction

Would you like to grow in holiness and strengthen your relationship with God? Do you often wonder where God is in your everyday life? Is it your desire to live a life of hope and abundance? Deanna Bartalini invites you to consider spiritual direction as a way to enrich your spiritual life.

What is Spiritual Direction?

First and foremost, it is an action of the Holy Spirit.

The person called the ‘director’ is in service – to God, to the people of God, to the action of the Spirit. The director’s role is one of listener, companion, and pray-er.

The person who desires to know God’s will and understand the movement of the Holy Spirit is the ‘directee.’

In spiritual direction, the directees speak to where and how they see God moving, calling them to greater understanding of who he is and who they are in relationship with and to the One who made them.

If you are looking to know yourself more deeply and live a life of abundance, then spiritual direction will be of help.

What does it mean to have a Spiritual Director?

It means you are a person of prayer, with scripture as the foundation of how God reveals himself to you.

There is a commitment you make to pray with and reflect on the scriptures, keep a journal, and speak with your director on a regular basis.

It also means you have someone who prays for you and when you meet listens to you without judgment.

What do you do at Spiritual Direction?

A general outline is this:

a welcome and brief conversation, prayer, the directee talks about the scripture read since the last meeting, using her/his journal;

the director listens, answers questions, reflects back on what is heard and invites directee to make connections, discussion of next set of scriptures, prayer, set the next meeting.

Where/When do you meet?

I am available to meet locally at my parish or virtually. I can schedule meetings during the day or evening.

Is there a fee?

There is no set fee. If you decide to seek spiritual direction with me, I will provide you with a link to resources and ways to consider supporting this ministry.

How can I learn more?

Let’s schedule a time to talk on the phone or virtually. Here is a link to my calendar so you can pick a time for our conversation. Or email me using the form below.

How did you become a Spiritual Director?

While in spiritual direction myself, I heard the promptings of the Holy Spirit. I was trained and certified through the program at the Cenacle School of Our Lady of Divine Providence School of Spiritual Direction, A Ministry of the Marian Servants of Divine Providence, and in association with the Franciscan University of Steubenville. I also have a degree in pastoral ministry from Loyola Unversity. It is my hope and desire to serve and connect with others in life’s spiritual adventures. It means I will listen, pray, and hope with and for you.