Praying with Scripture – 4


Imaginative Prayer: A type of contemplation  (Here is the information in a download if you prefer)

What is Imaginative Prayer?

This is a type of contemplation. We put ourselves into a scripture passage and learn who we are in relation to Christ or experience healing. We may also understand the passage more deeply or how it applies to our life.
Choose the scripture passage before you begin your prayer time.

  1. Begin with a prayer to the Holy Spirit.
  2. Ask a particular person of the Trinity or saint to be with you as you pray.
  3. Read the scripture passage.
  4. Close your eyes and enter into what you just read. Allow yourself to be led to see yourself in the scene, rather than deciding ahead of time.
    1. Imagine the story in your mind, watch it happen. Where/who are you?
    2. What do you see, hear, smell, notice as the story unfolds?
    3. What does Jesus say to you?
  5. Talk to God about what happened; what was revealed to you, what it means.
  6. Spend some time in silence, listening.
  7. End with a prayer of thanks to those who accompanied you and then an Our Father.
  8. Prayer review: recall your thoughts and feelings during the prayer time, what do you notice as far as promptings or new information. Journaling can be helpful.

Scripture Passages
Matthew 14:22-33
Luke 7:36-50
John 2:1-12

pray with scripture

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