Meditation Prayer Video
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What is meditation?
A quest to understand the Christian life, the how and why so we can respond to what Jesus is asking of us. It is helpful to begin with something to meditate on: scripture, an image, a prayer, a spiritual book.
Before you sit down to meditate, decide what you will use as a starting point.
- Bless yourself and begin with a prayer
- Sit in silence, placing yourself in the presence of God, settle your mind and soul
- Tell God your concerns
- Read the scripture passage
- How does it apply to your life or particular concern?
- What spiritual resolution or action do you sense you should take?
- What lesson did you learn?
- Sit in silence for a few minutes
- Offer petitions
- End with thanksgiving to God
We meditate to be filled with spiritual strength; to be nourished. We want to put aside our thoughts or ideas not so much to empty ourselves but to make room for God’s thoughts and ideas.
Scripture Passages
Trust in God: Isaiah 43:1-7, Matthew 10:28-31
God is merciful: Psalm 103; Luke 18:9-14
Generosity: 1 Samuel 3:1-14; Mark 10:17-22