Praying with Scripture 1 – Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina Prayer Video

Lectio Divina: A prayerful way of reading Scripture  (Here is the information in a download if you prefer)

  1. Bless yourself and begin with a brief prayer
  2. Read the scripture passage
    1. What word/phrase stands out for you in the passage?
    2. Do you have an insight, feeling or understanding about it?
    3. Read the passage again for a fuller understanding of what is there for you
  3. Ponder the word/phrase, what does it mean to you?
  4. Sit in silence for a few minutes
  5. End with an Our Father.

Lectio (reading/listening): what word does God have for you?
Meditatio (meditation): take the word and ponder it, making it your own.
Oratio (prayer): allow the word to touch and change you.
Contemplatio (contemplation): rest in God’s embrace.

Some passages to use:
Daily Mass readings are available online at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops site; you can sign up to have them emailed to you every day.

Or use your Bible and pray with these:
Psalm 28
Isaiah 49:1-6
Matthew 8:23-27
Luke 12:2-9